Middle-East and Africa Regions
Middle-East and Africa Regions

List of Countries we cover

As we are trying to cover the largest of all the sizes awarded to a single group of distributors, Middle-Eastern countries are so spread East to West from Morocco to Iran, and Africa from the North to South Africa. This is an amazing area and we are looking for representatives in every country listed below.

If you have a history or experience in the Temporary Body Art field, and would like to be our representative/distributor in your area/country, please reach us via email or any social media links at the top or bottom of this page.

jagua MEA regional map
jagua MEA regional map

Here are the countries we distribute to in Africa:

1 Algeria 2 Angola 3 Benin 4 Botswana 5 Burkina Faso 6 Burundi 7 Cameroon 8 Canary
Islands 9 Cape Verde 10 Central African Republic 11 Ceuta 12 Chad 13 Comoros 14 Côte d’Ivoire 15
Democratic Republic of the Congo 16 Djibouti 17 Egypt 18 Equatorial Guinea 19 Eritrea 20 Ethiopia 21
Gabon 22 Gambia 23 Ghana 24 Guinea 25 Guinea-Bissau 26 Kenya 27 Lesotho 28 Liberia 29 Libya

30 Madagascar 31 Madeira 32 Malawi 33 Mali 34 Mauritania 35 Mauritius 36 Mayotte 37 Melilla 38
Morocco 39 Mozambique 40 Namibia 41 Niger 42 Nigeria 43 Republic of the Congo 44 Réunion 45
Rwanda 46 Saint Helena 47 São Tomé and Príncipe 48 Senegal 49 Seychelles 50 Sierra Leone 51
Somalia 52 South Africa 53 Sudan 54 Swaziland 55 Tanzania 56 Togo 57 Tunisia 58 Uganda 59
Zambia 60 Zimbabwe

Here are the countries we distribute to in the Middle East:

61 Bahrain 62 Cyprus 63 Egypt 64 Iran 65 Iraq 66 Israel 67 Jordan 68 Kuwait 69 Lebanon 70 Oman 71 Palestine 72 Qatar 73 Saudi Arabia 74 Syria 75 Turkey 76 United Arab Emirates
77 Yemen