Middle-East and Africa Regions
Middle-East and Africa Regions

Hello Jagua World!

Welcome to World of Jagua Middle-East & Africa

It is with an immense pleasure that we announce our participation and the wonderful choice of the owner & CEO of Jagua Factory in Peru, to be their company’s representative and sole exclusive distributor for the Middle Eastern & African countries!

We have been working tediously at building product awareness in this part of the world in the past 12 years. And we are extremely happy and proud of Jagua Factory’s trust in our past, current & future work with this incredible fruit called GENIPA AMERICANA.

We urge you to try it, in any form you’d like & create those beautiful drawing whether be on cloth, paper or as most of us do ON SKIN.

We hope you will enjoy this website and the many resources we will put on it in the coming years. Should you have any questions, suggestions or requests, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through the many canals we provide you at either top or bottom of the page.


Yous Sefrioui 
Jagua Powder 120G

Jagua Powder

A fine extract of Genipa Americana, Jagua powder is often mixed with henna powder for a mixture of HenGua which darken intensively […]